Top 10 Best Drone Cameras

Best Drone Cameras: Drones aren’t just fun to fly. They can let you capture breathtaking footage, some in high-resolution 4K video. They’re also more affordable than ever, as quality beginner models now cost less than $60. Good camera drones start at a few hundred dollars.

Many people own Drones in India, but flying Drones is not legal in India. The good thing is that India has changed the rules. India’s aviation regulator has published the new rules that will make flying drones in India legal starting December 2018. So, you can now buy drone cameras and start shooting awesome videos and capture breathtaking shots.

DJI is the most popular brand that offers quality drone cameras for almost any kind of needs. But there are also several other drones cameras you can consider. If you are looking for the best drone cameras at the best price, here is the list. We have compiled the list of best drone camera and also mentioned drone camera price in India.

The Best Drone Camera for Sale

Here is the list of best drone cameras in India. All the cameras are from Drone because other good drones are not available in the country right now. I have included drones from entry-level to high-level price segment to give you flexible options. You can go with any of these depending on your requirement and budget.

SaleBestseller No. 1
DrOnE WiTh hD DuAl 4k CaMeRa LiVe ViDeO, WiFi FpV DrOnE FoR AdUlTs WiTh 4k Hd 120 WiDe AnGlE CaMeRa LoNg FlIgHt TiMe
  • ★【Enhance Your Aerial Experience】Equipped with dual 1080P HD cameras that can be adjusted within 90°, this drone offers a variety of angles for capturing stunning photos and videos. Meanwhile, with...
  • ★【Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance and VR 3D Experience】Experience intelligent 360° obstacle avoidance technology, which automatically detects and avoids obstacles, ensuring a safe and worry-free...
  • ★【Multiple Flight Modes and Designed For Beginner】This drone offers various flight modes and stunts to enhance your flying experience. Perform 360° and draw flight paths on your phone through the...
  • ★【Easy Operation and Hover Stability】Just 𝗈𝗇𝖾 key is all it takes to take off and to land the drone, keep it 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 to control for even beginners. Other functions, like...
  • ★【Long Battery Life and Materials】With a 3.7V 1800mAh lipo battery, the drone provides a flying time of 20-25 minutes on a single charge. The durable plastic, metal, and electronic components ensure...
SaleBestseller No. 2
PITINXA-Drone-with-4K-Camera-WiFi-FPV-1080P-HD-Dual-Foldable-RC-Drone-Altitude-Hold-Headless-Mode-Visual-Positioning-Auto-Return-App-Control (DROME3)
  • ★【Enhance Your Aerial Experience】Equipped with dual 1080P HD cameras that can be adjusted within 90°, this drone offers a variety of angles for capturing stunning photos and videos. Meanwhile, with...
  • ★【Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance and VR 3D Experience】Experience intelligent 360° obstacle avoidance technology, which automatically detects and avoids obstacles, ensuring a safe and worry-free...
  • ★【Multiple Flight Modes and Designed For Beginner】This drone offers various flight modes and stunts to enhance your flying experience. Perform 360° and draw flight paths on your phone through the...
  • ★【Easy Operation and Hover Stability】Just 𝗈𝗇𝖾 key is all it takes to take off and to land the drone, keep it 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 to control for even beginners. Other functions, like...
  • ★【Long Battery Life and Materials】With a 3.7V 1800mAh lipo battery, the drone provides a flying time of 20-25 minutes on a single charge. The durable plastic, metal, and electronic components ensure...
SaleBestseller No. 3
  • ★【4K Adjustable FPV Drone & APP Control】4K 120° manually adjustable lens and a 110° wide-angle lens, the drone provides a broader shooting range and a breathtaking field of view. It allows you to...
  • ★【Multiple Functions to Fit Your Needs】: These include High-Speed Rotation, Circle Fly, 3 Speed Gears , Gesture Control, Headless Mode, One Key Takeoff/Landing, Altitude Hold, 360° Flip (achieved by...
  • ★【Take it Anywhere】 This drone with camera is your ultimate travel buddy! It's so compact and lightweight that you can literally fold it up and fit it in your pocket or backpack. Weight under 188g....
  • ★【Stable Hover & User Friendly】: Equipped with an optical flow positioning camera, the drone has a more stable hover altitude ability, which will bring a nice experience to you, especially for...
  • ★【One Key Start/Landing】 Our RC drone features a one-key start/landing button, allowing for easy and hassle-free control, and enabling you to enjoy a one-button flight anytime and anywhere. This...
SaleBestseller No. 4
dRoNe wItH hD DuAl cAmErA BrUsHlEsS MoToR, oNe cLiCk tAkEoFf/lAnDiNg FlIp rOlLiNg gEsTuRe cOnTrOl wI-Fi cAmErA ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe wItH FoLlOw mE FuNcTiOn (Am5)
  • ★【eNhAnCe yOuR AeRiAl eXpErIeNcE】EqUiPpEd wItH DuAl 1080p hD CaMeRaS ThAt cAn bE AdJuStEd wItHiN 90°, tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs a vArIeTy oF AnGlEs fOr cApTuRiNg sTuNnInG PhOtOs aNd vIdEoS. mEaNwHiLe, WiTh...
  • ★【iNtElLiGeNt oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE AnD Vr 3D ExPeRiEnCe】eXpErIeNcE InTeLlIgEnT 360° oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE TeChNoLoGy, WhIcH AuToMaTiCaLlY DeTeCtS AnD AvOiDs oBsTaClEs, EnSuRiNg a sAfE AnD WoRrY-FrEe...
  • ★【mUlTiPlE FlIgHt mOdEs aNd dEsIgNeD FoR BeGiNnEr】tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs vArIoUs fLiGhT MoDeS AnD StUnTs tO EnHaNcE YoUr fLyInG ExPeRiEnCe. PeRfOrM 360° aNd dRaW FlIgHt pAtHs oN YoUr pHoNe tHrOuGh tHe...
  • ★【eAsY OpErAtIoN AnD HoVeR StAbIlItY】JuSt 𝗈𝗇𝖾 KeY Is aLl iT TaKeS To tAkE OfF AnD To lAnD ThE DrOnE, kEeP It 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 To cOnTrOl fOr eVeN BeGiNnErS. oThEr fUnCtIoNs, LiKe...
  • ★【lOnG BaTtErY LiFe aNd mAtErIaLs】wItH A 3.7v 1800mAh lIpO BaTtErY, tHe dRoNe pRoViDeS A FlYiNg tImE Of 20-25 mInUtEs oN A SiNgLe cHaRgE. tHe dUrAbLe pLaStIc, MeTaL, aNd eLeCtRoNiC CoMpOnEnTs eNsUrE...
SaleBestseller No. 5
dRoNe wItH hD DuAl cAmErA BrUsHlEsS MoToR, oNe cLiCk tAkEoFf/lAnDiNg FlIp rOlLiNg gEsTuRe cOnTrOl wI-Fi cAmErA ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe wItH FoLlOw mE FuNcTiOn (Am3)
  • ★【eNhAnCe yOuR AeRiAl eXpErIeNcE】EqUiPpEd wItH DuAl 1080p hD CaMeRaS ThAt cAn bE AdJuStEd wItHiN 90°, tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs a vArIeTy oF AnGlEs fOr cApTuRiNg sTuNnInG PhOtOs aNd vIdEoS. mEaNwHiLe, WiTh...
  • ★【iNtElLiGeNt oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE AnD Vr 3D ExPeRiEnCe】eXpErIeNcE InTeLlIgEnT 360° oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE TeChNoLoGy, WhIcH AuToMaTiCaLlY DeTeCtS AnD AvOiDs oBsTaClEs, EnSuRiNg a sAfE AnD WoRrY-FrEe...
  • ★【mUlTiPlE FlIgHt mOdEs aNd dEsIgNeD FoR BeGiNnEr】tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs vArIoUs fLiGhT MoDeS AnD StUnTs tO EnHaNcE YoUr fLyInG ExPeRiEnCe. PeRfOrM 360° aNd dRaW FlIgHt pAtHs oN YoUr pHoNe tHrOuGh tHe...
  • ★【eAsY OpErAtIoN AnD HoVeR StAbIlItY】JuSt 𝗈𝗇𝖾 KeY Is aLl iT TaKeS To tAkE OfF AnD To lAnD ThE DrOnE, kEeP It 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 To cOnTrOl fOr eVeN BeGiNnErS. oThEr fUnCtIoNs, LiKe...
  • ★【lOnG BaTtErY LiFe aNd mAtErIaLs】wItH A 3.7v 1800mAh lIpO BaTtErY, tHe dRoNe pRoViDeS A FlYiNg tImE Of 20-25 mInUtEs oN A SiNgLe cHaRgE. tHe dUrAbLe pLaStIc, MeTaL, aNd eLeCtRoNiC CoMpOnEnTs eNsUrE...
SaleBestseller No. 6
PITINXA-Drone-with-4K-Camera-WiFi-FPV-1080P-HD-Dual-Foldable-RC-Drone-Altitude-Hold-Headless-Mode-Visual-Positioning-Auto-Return-App-Control (DROME8)
  • ★【Enhance Your Aerial Experience】Equipped with dual 1080P HD cameras that can be adjusted within 90°, this drone offers a variety of angles for capturing stunning photos and videos. Meanwhile, with...
  • ★【Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance and VR 3D Experience】Experience intelligent 360° obstacle avoidance technology, which automatically detects and avoids obstacles, ensuring a safe and worry-free...
  • ★【Multiple Flight Modes and Designed For Beginner】This drone offers various flight modes and stunts to enhance your flying experience. Perform 360° and draw flight paths on your phone through the...
  • ★【Easy Operation and Hover Stability】Just 𝗈𝗇𝖾 key is all it takes to take off and to land the drone, keep it 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 to control for even beginners. Other functions, like...
  • ★【Long Battery Life and Materials】With a 3.7V 1800mAh lipo battery, the drone provides a flying time of 20-25 minutes on a single charge. The durable plastic, metal, and electronic components ensure...
Bestseller No. 7
WEADFAX-Drone-with-4K-Camera-WiFi-FPV-1080P-HD-Dual-Foldable-RC-Drone-Altitude-Hold-Headless-Mode-Visual-Positioning-Auto-Return-App-Control (A11)
  • ★【Enhance Your Aerial Experience】Equipped with dual 1080P HD cameras that can be adjusted within 90°, this drone offers a variety of angles for capturing stunning photos and videos. Meanwhile, with...
  • ★【Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance and VR 3D Experience】Experience intelligent 360° obstacle avoidance technology, which automatically detects and avoids obstacles, ensuring a safe and worry-free...
  • ★【Multiple Flight Modes and Designed For Beginner】This drone offers various flight modes and stunts to enhance your flying experience. Perform 360° and draw flight paths on your phone through the...
  • ★【Easy Operation and Hover Stability】Just 𝗈𝗇𝖾 key is all it takes to take off and to land the drone, keep it 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 to control for even beginners. Other functions, like...
  • ★【Long Battery Life and Materials】With a 3.7V 1800mAh lipo battery, the drone provides a flying time of 20-25 minutes on a single charge. The durable plastic, metal, and electronic components ensure...
SaleBestseller No. 8
E88 Pro Drone with 4K Camera WiFi FPV 1080P HD Dual Foldable RC Drone Altitude Hold Headless Mode Visual Positioning Auto Return App Control Multicolor
  • Dual Camera System for Stunning Aerial Shots: Capture sharp, high-resolution photos and videos with the 4K main camera and 1080P HD secondary camera for versatile shooting angles
  • WiFi FPV Real-Time Transmission: Enjoy live streaming of your flight directly to your smartphone with WiFi FPV, allowing you to see what your drone sees in real-time
  • Foldable & Portable Design: The foldable and lightweight design makes it easy to carry, so you can take it anywhere for on-the-go aerial photography
  • Headless Mode for Easy Control: With Headless Mode, the drone automatically orients itself to your position, making it ideal for beginners and hassle-free flying
  • Altitude Hold for Stable Hovering: The Altitude Hold feature ensures stable flight at a fixed height, making it easier to capture smooth footage and steady shots
SaleBestseller No. 9
Drone-With-Camera (MULTI)
  • COFENDY ★【4K Adjustable FPV Drone & APP Control】4K 120° manually adjustable lens and a 110° wide-angle lens, the drone provides a broader shooting range and a breathtaking field of view. It allows...
  • ★【Multiple Functions to Fit Your Needs】: These include High-Speed Rotation, Circle Fly, 3 Speed Gears , Gesture Control, Headless Mode, One Key Takeoff/Landing, Altitude Hold, 360° Flip (achieved by...
  • ★【Stable Hover & User Friendly】: Equipped with an optical flow positioning camera, the drone has a more stable hover altitude ability, which will bring a nice experience to you, especially for...
  • ★【Next Level Fly Performance】Come with 2 intelligent batteries to support 30-35 mins long flight time and 1KM long range. The Drone Motor provides higher speed, higher efficiency and better stability...
  • ★【Take it Anywhere】 This drone with camera is your ultimate travel buddy! It's so compact and lightweight that you can literally fold it up and fit it in your pocket or backpack. Weight under 188g....
SaleBestseller No. 10
dRoNe wItH hD DuAl cAmErA BrUsHlEsS MoToR, oNe cLiCk tAkEoFf/lAnDiNg FlIp rOlLiNg gEsTuRe cOnTrOl wI-Fi cAmErA ReMoTe cOnTrOl dRoNe wItH FoLlOw mE FuNcTiOn (Am1)
  • ★【eNhAnCe yOuR AeRiAl eXpErIeNcE】EqUiPpEd wItH DuAl 1080p hD CaMeRaS ThAt cAn bE AdJuStEd wItHiN 90°, tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs a vArIeTy oF AnGlEs fOr cApTuRiNg sTuNnInG PhOtOs aNd vIdEoS. mEaNwHiLe, WiTh...
  • ★【iNtElLiGeNt oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE AnD Vr 3D ExPeRiEnCe】eXpErIeNcE InTeLlIgEnT 360° oBsTaClE AvOiDaNcE TeChNoLoGy, WhIcH AuToMaTiCaLlY DeTeCtS AnD AvOiDs oBsTaClEs, EnSuRiNg a sAfE AnD WoRrY-FrEe...
  • ★【mUlTiPlE FlIgHt mOdEs aNd dEsIgNeD FoR BeGiNnEr】tHiS DrOnE OfFeRs vArIoUs fLiGhT MoDeS AnD StUnTs tO EnHaNcE YoUr fLyInG ExPeRiEnCe. PeRfOrM 360° aNd dRaW FlIgHt pAtHs oN YoUr pHoNe tHrOuGh tHe...
  • ★【eAsY OpErAtIoN AnD HoVeR StAbIlItY】JuSt 𝗈𝗇𝖾 KeY Is aLl iT TaKeS To tAkE OfF AnD To lAnD ThE DrOnE, kEeP It 𝗌𝗂𝗆𝗉𝗅𝖾 To cOnTrOl fOr eVeN BeGiNnErS. oThEr fUnCtIoNs, LiKe...
  • ★【lOnG BaTtErY LiFe aNd mAtErIaLs】wItH A 3.7v 1800mAh lIpO BaTtErY, tHe dRoNe pRoViDeS A FlYiNg tImE Of 20-25 mInUtEs oN A SiNgLe cHaRgE. tHe dUrAbLe pLaStIc, MeTaL, aNd eLeCtRoNiC CoMpOnEnTs eNsUrE...

Drones are super cool gadgets in 2020, and there are no two ways to look at the statement, and today we are reveal the best drone cameras you can buy in 2020.

Some time people who do not have enough valid reasons to invest in drones would want to buy. Right? …

You should also keep in mind that while the drones are super cool, they also happen to be quite expensive, and are often made for enthusiasts, or people who are into experimenting with videography mainly because almost all the good, high-end drones come equipped with amazing cameras.

We’ve tested dozens of drones, evaluating them based on design, ease of use, camera quality, durability and flight time, to bring you our list of top picks.

How to choose the Best Drone Cameras for you

Best Drone CamerasSimple answer: choose a budget, then find a drone to match.

The quality of the materials, the range and power of the drone, and the specifications of the accessories – primarily the camera – are the main factors that affect a drone’s price.

Slightly less simple answer: you should also be realistic about what you want to achieve and how good a pilot you are. Some of the more ‘pro’ drones are quite demanding to fly and have broadcast quality cameras. If what you want is to have something more like a remote control helicopter that can also take the odd photo, we recommend you go for something cheaper.

So if you already own one of the ubiquitous action cams, that could be one way of keeping your costs down. Finally, if you have no desire to shoot video and stills from the air but still want to get droning, try joining a race club and dart through an obstacle course of disused buildings and woodland. Racing drones are also equipped with a camera but it’s so the pilot can see where he’s going. You’ll still crash anyway, though.

Drone safety tips

To celebrate World Drone Day, which is totally not a made-up thing, and happened on May 6 this year, Currys has come up with this rather epic guide to safe drone flying.

  • Don’t fly near airports or airfields
  • Remember to stay below 400ft (120m)
  • Observe your drone at all times – stay 150ft (50m) away from people and property
  • Never fly near aircraft
  • Enjoy responsibly

Best Drone Cameras 2020

There are some things you should know about, the drone market is divided into 2 parts; there are the high level, enthusiast grade drones like the DJI Phantom 4, and the DJI T600 Inspire 1, and then there are cheaper options. DJI announced the Phantom 4 Advanced, which features a 1-inch 20MP sensor that can shoot video at 4K/60 fps and take 14MP still images. It’s the same camera as found in the premium Phantom 4 Pro ($1,499), but the Advanced model lacks rear vision sensors, and its remote does not support the 5.8GHz band found in the Pro model.

Now if you just want to have a drone that you can fly around, and show off, you can get the simple one that won’t cost you much. However, if you are a film student or an aspiring filmmaker, and you are looking for something with a high-end camera, you should be prepared to spend a lot of money because drones that come equipped with high-end cameras are really expensive.

1. DJI Mavic Pro

Key Features:

  • Stunning Black shell and remote controller
  • New propeller and installation kits feature a smoother, even more reliable locking mechanism
  • The new motor’s performance has also been improved, providing a greater sense of control
  • Ready-to-fly aerial system
  • 4K camera and 3-axis stabilization gimbal (Zen muse X5)
Pros Cons
  • This is one of the most affordable PROFESSIONAL DRONE (Under $1000)
  • OcuSync Transmission System
  • 4k Video Recording
  • Easily controllable Indoor and Outdoor
  • Ultra Portability (Easily fits inside a Pocket)
  • About 23 Minutes of Battery Life
  • Unstable in Strong Winds
  • Must required a SmartPhone to Control
  • Records in both (Portrait and Landscape Modes)

2. GoPro Karma – Drone from GoPro

GoPro KarmaKey Features:

  • Ultra portable drone
  • Stunning 4K video and 12MP photos. In Single, Burst, and Time Lapse modes.
  • Game-style controller with ultra bright touch display
  • Total camera control
  • Automatic takeoff, landing and return home
  • Take your friends for a ride
  • Replacement parts help keep you flying
Pros Cons
  • It comes with a Handheld Stabilizer
  • Portable
  • Built-in Display on the Controller
  • The software is not that advance (No “Follow Me” Mode)
  • Missing Obstacles Avoidance Feature
  • Battery Life Sucks (GoPro claimed it to be 27 minutes but it hardly last for 18-20 minutes)
  • Missing Downward Positioning Sensor

3. DJI Phantom 4 – Best Professional Drone

DJI Phantom 4

Key Features:

  • Camera Resolution: 12MP Adobe DNG RAW
  • Video Resolution: 4K at 30 FPS / 1080p at 120FPS
  • Max Flight Time: 28 minutes
  • Max Speed: 45 mph (20 m/s) in Sport mode
  • Notable Attributes: Battery Life, Obstacle Avoidance, Flight Modes
Pros Cons
  • DJI Phantom 4 is the Most Professional Drone in this List
  • Follow me and Return to Home Functions
  • Obstacle Avoidance
  • Slow Motion Video Recording
  • Expensive Accessories
  • Huge, Big and Bulky Design (Not an ultra portable design like the Mavic Pro)

4. DJI Inspire 1 – Professional yet Expensive

DJI Inspire 1Key Features:

  • Camera Resolution: 30MP in DNG RAW mode
  • Video Resolution: 5.2K at 30 FPS / 4K at 60 FPS
  • Max Flight Time: 27 minutes
  • Max Speed: 67 mph
  • Notable Attributes: Dual-Operator Mode, Two Cameras, Obstacle Avoidance
Pros Cons
  • Awesome Built Quality
  • 4k video recording
  • Removable Camera
  • Advanced Functions like “Follow me” and “Intelligent Flight”
  • Very Expensive
  • Battery Life Sucks (Additional Batteries are too Damn Expensive)
  • Android App is not that great
  • In order to get


Key Features:

  • Camera Resolution: 12MP
  • Video Resolution: 4K at 30 FPS
  • Max Flight Time: 23 minutes
  • Max Speed: 36 mph (18 m/s) in ATTI mode, no wind
  • Notable Attributes: Older Model = Lower Cost (But Still Quality Aircraft)
Pros Cons
  • Extremely Easy to Control and stable in the Air.
  • 4k Video Recording
  • Live View Feed
  • Automated Flight mode and Return-to-Home Functions
  • Very Expensive
  • Battery Life is not that great

6. Yuneec Q500 4K

Yuneec Typhoon H

Key Features:

  • Camera Resolution: 12.4MP
  • Video Resolution: 4K at 30 FPS
  • Max Flight Time: 25 minutes
  • Max Speed: 43.5mph (70km/h) in Follow Me mode
  • Notable Attributes: Hexacopter = better redundancy, Obstacle Avoidance, 360-degree camera
Pros Cons
  • 4k Video Recording
  • Easy to control
  • Strong and Durable built quality
  • Charging Time is way more as compared to others
  • A Giant Controller
  • Blurry Videos from the Edges
  • Doesn’t support WayPoint Navigation
  • Video Quality doesn’t match the price

7. 3D Robotics Solo

3d robotics solo drone

Key Features:

  • Real-time, first-person view of your flight
  • Compatible with GoPro HERO3, HERO3+ and HERO4 action cameras
  • Control both drone and camera with 1 remote controller
  • Save footage directly to your phone
  • Automated camera control for cinematic shots
  • Simulate flights before you fly
  • Up to 20 minutes of flight time per charge
Pros Cons
  • Awesome Design
  • Gimbal Supported
  • iOS and Android App Support
  • Budget Friendly
  • Battery Life isn’t that good
  • GPS is kinda slow (Sometimes it doesn’t show the correct position)

8. Parrot AR.Drone 2.0

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Elite Edition allows you to see the world from above and to share your photos and videos on social networks instantly. It manoeuvres intuitively with a smartphone or tablet and offers exceptional sensations right from take-off.

Key Features:

  • iOS and Android app control
  • 720p HD video camera
  • 36 minute flight time battery life
  • Manufacturer: Parrot
  • Review Price: £320.00
Pros Cons
  • Extremely easy to fly and play
  • Funny Camera Functions
  • Smartphone Supported Apps
  • Battery Life Sucks
  • You can’t use it without a Smartphone

9. Cheerson Hobby CX-20 Professional

The company Cheerson was initially known as a company that produces low end quadcopters for the mass people. Their quadcopters were always at a very good price along with limited features. Here is a detailed and un-biased review of the Cheerson CX-20. The Cheerson CX-20 is a full size quadcopter that’s in direct competition with other full size models, like the DJI Phantom 2 Vision+, DJI Phantom 2, Parrot Bebop, 3DR IRIS+, Blade 350 QX, and others. It’s priced at right around $360, which makes it a lot cheaper than most of the other full-size options. Even the Parrot Bebop, which is very basic with its feature set, is priced higher at $500! So you’re definitely getting a good deal here, in terms of features, product quality, and price.

Pros Cons
  • Positioning System, Path Finder, and Return to Home Features
  • Mounted camera can be change, you can even install GoPro
  • Very low price as compared to others
  • Short battery life, just like any other drone
  • It takes a lot of time to fully charge the battery
  • It is hard to find spare parts in the market for this drone

10. 3d Robotics Iris+

3d Robotics Iris+

Features of 3DR Iris plus drone

Pros Cons
  • Comes with Awesome features and very user friendly
  • Stable Positioning
  • Gimbal Supported
  • Changeable Camera (You can even install GoPro)
  • Flight time is not more than 16 minutes
  • Poor Build Quality

Read More >> The Best Cheap Drones (Mostly) Under $100

What You Need to Know Before You Buy and Fly

Drones aren’t that complicated, but there are a few key features you should consider when you are shopping. There are also some key rules you need to follow when you take to the air.

Legal Requirements

FAA has rules you have to follow. The most important two: Never fly around or above people, and always keep your drone in sight. The FAA has a full list of safety guidelines for model aircraft that you should check before you take off. There are also restrictions on where you can fly: For example, within 5 miles of an airport is off limits. Mapbox provides a great interactive map of no-fly areas, and local RC (Remote Control) aircraft clubs may list fields that they use.

However, non-commercial drones no longer have to be registered with the FAA. Previously, any drone that weighed between 0.55 pounds and 55 pounds would have to be registered for $5, and you would have to carry your license with you while flying the drone.

Drone Controls

Most drones use a remote control with two joysticks — a bit like an Xbox or PlayStation controller. One stick controls what’s called the attitude of the quadcopter, including roll (tilting left and right) and pitch (tilting up and down). The other stick controls throttle and the rotation of the quadcopter. A good remote control should fit well in the hand, with sticks resting comfortably under your thumbs and providing a smooth, responsive feel that allows you to guide the quadcopter by touch.

Some models skip the remote control, or offer it as an extra-cost feature, and instead use a smartphone connected via Wi-Fi and a flying app. These apps often provide a live video view from the quadcopter camera. However, apps don’t allow the precision of real controllers: It is easier for your thumbs to slip, possibly causing a crash.

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Construction and Repair

Despite what the ads tell you, drones crash all the time. A good drone will take an unplanned descent and ground interface (aka: a crash) in stride, without damaging the frame. It will also include shields to protect the rotors and electronics from harm.

Regardless, things still get broken sometimes, particularly racing drones. A good model will offer a ready supply of cheap parts like rotors and struts to replace the broken ones, and will make it easy to swap these parts out when required. The same is true of batteries.


Very few drones offer more than 10 to 20 minutes of battery life, so an easily swapped battery can give you more flying time without hassle. This tends to be a feature of more expensive models, with a spare battery typically costing more than $100. Cheap drones (under about $400) usually have built-in batteries that can’t be swapped out.


Want to show off your aerial exploits? A camera, either built-in or add-on, can capture those dramatic vistas for posterity. Most budget models use the equivalent of a cheap webcam, capturing low-resolution video (usually 640 x 480-pixel resolution) to an internal memory card for later viewing.

More sophisticated models offer high-definition video capture or the ability to connect an HD action camera such as a GoPro. Some drones also offer first-person view (FPV), sending a pilot’s-eye view from the drone itself to a phone or tablet. Some models offer video goggles for the ultimate pilot-seat flying experience.

Final Words

As Drones were not legal in India, we have few options to try. After December, we will surely see other good drones officially in India. While DJI Drones have been available in India for quite some time, most of those are imported. Drone is helpful for photographers and video bloggers who want to record their journey in a different way. If you were looking for one, you now have a list of Best Drone Cameras in India.

I tried to include all best options and will keep updating this list time to time. If you want to add something, you can leave it in the comment.


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