Top 10 Best Selling Kitchen Chimneys on Amazon

Gone are the days when you could see smoke puffing out through chimneys on top of houses when a sumptuous meal was being prepared, and we could easily open the doors and windows to let in the fresh air. The increase in urbanization has led to the shift towards apartment-style living with multi-story building emerging everywhere. In this scenario, kitchen chimneys have become a necessity in every modular kitchen.

Kitchen chimneys are unquestionably superior to the conventional exhaust fans, which can only get rid of the smoke, while other impurities such as carbon, oil, grime, etc. remain, requiring further cleaning. A kitchen chimney is said to be 8 to 15 times more effective than the exhaust fan. Unlike exhaust fans, these chimneys are placed directly above the cooking area, which results in speedier and effective ventilation and cleansing action.

Choosing the right kind of chimney for your kitchen can be a tricky task; hence, we shall provide a full description of the types available and the features one should look for while buying one. We shall also provide you with a descriptive list of the top 10 best chimneys in India.

Worry no more, as we got you covered! We have listed the best chimneys in India that will fit your needs and requirements. We made it possible as we have summarised all the information and reviews to come up with this list. Read on to find out!

This review guide is generally split into two parts — the first part is where you’ll find the best kitchen chimney models in India; whereas the second part is where you’ll see thorough but summarised information regarding different chimney types, important buying tips, best kitchen chimney brands, things to consider before buying and so on…

How does a kitchen chimney work?

Chimneys in kitchen spaces work on a 24×7 basis, removing air pollutants and clearing up aerial suffocation that are induced by food cooking, frying, steaming, etc. in the kitchen space. This makes chimneys in a particular a must-have.

Here is a gist of how a kitchen chimney functions –

  1. Air-borne particulates originated from kitchen-related activities fill up the kitchen space
  2. The kitchen chimney installed in the kitchen space intakes the air particles and funnels it outwards through a ventilation duct using a rotating turbine.
  3. This process is iterated on a 24/7 basis and the air inside the kitchen space is kept fresh and pure for all inside.

It is a meagre three-step process that ensures that the environment near the kitchen space is kept fresh and pure 24×7.

Why is it said to be an absolute must-have for any kitchen space?

We all must have seen the fumes in a kitchen space rising up and clogging up everything.

What you should look out for in a kitchen chimney system?

No doubt, when it comes to dispensing aerial kitchen impurities and producing a fresh clean vibrant feel in the kitchen, a chimney system in the kitchen is definitely a must-have. Here are a few of the things that you must take note off –

  • Kitchen Chimney Design

In addition to being extremely useful to have around, kitchen chimneys promote a kitchen style statement themselves! Make sure that the kitchen chimney design is in-line with your overall kitchen design.

  • Size of Chimney

The size of the kitchen chimney should be proportional to the kitchen size itself. For instance, if it is a small-sized kitchen for nuclear families, a similarly small-sized kitchen chimney would do the trick, but if you have a larger kitchen, a large-scale kitchen chimney is more appropriate.

  • Suction Power of the Chimney

The suction power of the chimney dictates the overall area that is covered by the chimney. For example, if it boasts a suction power of 1200 Nm3/h, it might be more adequate for a large kitchen space, On the other hand if it packs a suction power of 800 Nm3/h, it will be more aptly suited for small kitchen spaces.

  • Auto Clean Chimney

Auto clean chimneys are a new special type of chimney that gets rid of oily particles sticking onto the ducts with the help of an in-built blower and subsequent requires minimal cleaning and maintenance. Centrifugal causes the particles to move toward the blower wall where it is collected and removed automatically.

  • Kitchen Chimney price

Depending on the build, features and the size, the price of kitchen chimneys are likely to vary. You should do your research and decide on all these factors in order to choose the kitchen chimney that is most adequate for the purpose.

Types of kitchen chimneys

Best Selling Kitchen chimneys come in a variety of different types and classifications. Some of these include-

  • Wall mounted chimneyThis single suction kitchen chimneys are fixated on a wall. Due to this they can perform their air suction functions from multiple different angles.
  • Ceiling mounted chimneyInstalled on the ceiling this kitchen chimney is able to perform its functions tight from the ceiling space of the kitchen.
  • Built-in chimneyThese chimneys are fitted below the wall and are not usually visible.

Types of Chimney Filters

These remove the microbial particulates in the kitchen space by absorbing them. Different types of filter include –

  • Baffle filterThese filters can absorb heavy impurities like oily particles.
  • Mesh filterComprising of layers of aluminium, this filter is able to absorb minute particles in the form of smoke, gas, etc.

Components that a kitchen chimney is specifically fitted with.

Modern day kitchen chimneys feature a number of innovative user-friendly features.

Some of these include –

  • Filter warning – Provides notifications when the filter is clogged up
  • Auto-heat sensor – Sends out warning alerts if the chimney motor is overheating
  • Auto-clean – This feature allows chimney ducts to be automatically cleaned and avoids getting filled up

Kitchen Chimney Installation

Installing a kitchen chimney requires a series of activities that necessitate a number of electric connection and wall drilling procedures. Here is a gist of what is involved –

  1. Holes are drilled into the walls where the kitchen chimney is to be installed.
  2. Air ducts are created and filters are installed.
  3. Appropriate electrical wiring connections are created.

Frequently Asked Questions about Chimneys

These are the common questions you need to know before deciding on purchasing that chimney for you.

Which is better, an exhaust fan or a chimney?

A chimney is better as it eliminates both smoke and oil making your kitchen cleaner and free from air pollutants.

Is ducting required in all chimneys?

No, but a chimney with duct is more efficient as it removes the heat from the kitchen. Filters also last longer when there is ducting.

Can I install the chimney myself?

No, it is better to be installed by a skilled representative from the manufacturer. Also, you can either hire an electrician or skilled service engineer to install it for you.

How far should I install the chimney from the cooktop?

There is always a recommended height indicated in the user manual to guarantee the efficiency of the product. And it is sometimes based on your kitchen size, so an expert such as a skilled service engineer could make the best decision for this one.

What’s the best way to clean the surface of the chimney?

Stainless steel chimneys can be washed with regular clean cloth, warm water, and mild soap or dish detergent. Rinse well with water and wipe it dry immediately.

How often should I change filters?

The aluminum mesh grease filters should be washed approximately every month or depending on your frequency of use. You should wash it often if your cooking style generates more grease such as from frying a lot of foods. Non-duct carbon filters must be replaced timely. Baffle filters are long-lasting and do not require to be cleaned from time to time. Usually, they can last until 3 months before washing.

Now let’s tackle the last few last tips so you could no doubt purchase the best chimney for you.

Picture of Aman Kumar

Aman Kumar

A blogger, personal finance enthusiast with slight "addiction" of planning and organising whether it's budget, business or just life in general. When you run into an article around the web you can clearly tell it’s Aman's work, as it can never be mixed with anyone else's , because of his very unique own voice. Finances, real estate, budgeting, new technological solutions are not the only talking points, that he has his heart set on. Passionate about life he studies and writes about environmental changes, human rights and quality of life. Being a true humanist he draws inspiration from the simple thing as an everyday life and the matters one come across on daily bases doing his best and above to help everyone around.

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