Best Electric Tandoor For Home Use

Best Electric Tandoor: Electric tandoors allow you to prepare more nutritious food while achieving the benefits of ease and energy efficiency. That is the reason we found and inspected the Top 10 Best Electric Tandoor In India so you can begin cooking your preferred Indian dishes and electric tandoor recipes  in the solace of your own home.

A traditional tandoor is a clay oven that is placed outside the home or in an open space which uses clay and wood-fire, for gathering flame which in-turn grills the food.The modern electric tandoor without using clay and wood-fire gives your food the right touch and aroma of charcoal and wood into your food.

But choosing the best electric tandoor may be a little hassle. An ideal electric tandoor should be budget friendly, less power consumption, easy to maintain, need no preheating and most importantly provide healthy and oil free cooking.

There are different dishes which one likes to have. But the one which is liked by most of the people is to grilled item which is prepared in tandoor . To have this one goes out to  restaurants as it was not possible to make them in our homes or it is hard to plan as a ton of things are required to set up the manual oven. But now with the electric tandoor it is helpful to make the convenient dishes in tandoor at our homes at low costs.

Best Electric Tandoors Price in India: 2019 Reviews

Features Of Electric Tandoor

Electric tandoor is helpful in many ways, it can not only be used for cooking tandoori items but can also be used for baking, grilling, roasting, toasting, and barbecuing. It has the capability of defrosting your frozen food without cooking it. A traditional tandoor is a clay pit for grilling and roasting and used coal, charcoal, and wood for a fire.

It is a economical and eco-friendly kitchen appliance as it uses electricity and does not radiate any heat in the environment.It takes very less time to prepare food.It is very light weight that can be easily shifted from one place to another place. .An electric tandoor has small aluminum coils on the top which gets heated up and provides the heat for cooking of food.

Electric Tandoor Online : Buyer’s Guide

Mechanics: If you are planing to buy electric tandoor you need to check One important aspect of an electric tandoor is how does it open. Some of them will have a 180-degree opening, that could be easy access the interior so you can easily place in and take out your food from the tandoor.This also simplifies the cleaning of the tandoor post-usage. It is better to look for tandoor that has a floating hinge, this allows prolonged cooking, especially thick food items.

Brand: There are many brands available in the market. It is advisable to go for a brand that is popular as it would provide easy customer service after you buy it instead of relying on the new brands that are flooded in the market.

Affordable price: The best electric tandoors come in a price range from 3000 to 5000.

Power Consumption: Market is filled with different electric tandoor that comes with distinct power ranges. Most of them start with 800 W and go up to 1200 W. An electric tandoor with higher power range will ensure faster cooking but will also lead long electricity bills. You need to find the one that satisfies all your needs and the one with optimal efficiency.

Capacity: Electric tandoor capacity depend on your family size and the amount of food you want to cook on an average. So, first you need to analyze your size need and then buy the one that accords well with your preference as the market has bunch with different sizes of electric tandoor to suit your need.

Warranty : It is very imaportant aspect to consider before buying an electric tandoor.You need to look for a product which comes with a manufacturer’s warranty of at least a year. Buy a product from a trusted brand with a proper warranty so you do not regret post-buying if by mistake you buy a faulty product.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is electric tandoor good for health?

The electric tandoor ensures you a good health. It is use for oil-free cooking of your favorite chicken, fish, mushroom, and vegetable tandoori dishes that is good for health. Thus, the low smoke and time saving electric tandoor provide delicious dishes in a much healthy way, making it good for health.

Can aluminum foil be used in an electric tandoor?

You can use aluminum foil in electric tandoor. but it is advice to not use it for cooking as it may have chemical reaction between the foil and the food. However, it is advised not to us while cooking it is not safe for your body.


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